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Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal WikipediaKʼinich Janaab Pakal I was born on 989130 March 603 This was a particularly violent time in the history of Palenque two years later in 605 Palenque was attacked by the Mayan state of Kaan and a new ruler was again Kaan sacked Palenque when he was eight and nine in 610 and 611BREAKING Underground Tunnels Found Beneath Pakal Tomb in Archaeologists at the worldrenowned Maya site of Palenque in Mexico have made a surprising discovery beneath the Temple of Inscriptions the impressive funerary monument built for Maya ruler Pakal – underground water tunnels that appears to have been created as a symbolic path to guide Pakal to the afterlifeMayan King Pakal and His Spacecraft The Wonders I don’t know if you saw the season premier of Ancient Aliens Season 5 a week or so ago but to his credit Giorgio Tsoukalos had a guy from Lucas Films on displaying what appeared to be Mayan King Pakal in what Erich Von Daniken has long portrayed as a “spacecraft” The image is based on the sarcophagus cover of Pakal’s tomb in Palenque Mexico and since the 1970s has been the red Instituto Pakal BienvenidosDescripcion de PakalTemple of the Inscriptions WikipediaThe Temple of the Inscriptions Classic Maya Bʼolon Yej Teʼ Naah Mayan pronunciation ɓolon jex teʔ naːh House of the Nine Sharpened Spears is the largest Mesoamerican stepped pyramid structure at the preColumbian Maya civilization site of Palenque located in the modernday state of Chiapas structure was specifically built as the funerary monument for Kinich Janaab 關於百歌 百歌燈光音響舞台工程公司 百歌創立於1981年,由剛開始的音樂教室、樂器買賣、燈光音響租賃到現在的活動規劃設計,一步一腳印的經營二十餘年,從小型表演節目到大型活動企劃累積無數豐富的現場經驗,乃是南部最老字號歷史最悠久的燈光音響公司。燈光音響設備 百歌燈光音響舞台工程公司 百歌創立於1981年,由剛開始的音樂教室、樂器買賣、燈光音響租賃到現在的活動規劃設計,一步一腳印的經營二十餘年,從小型表演節目到大型活動企劃累積無數豐富的現場經驗,乃是南部最老字號歷史最悠久的燈光音響公司。Ancient Aircraft CrystalinksKing Pakal of Palenque Did King Pakal fly off in a spaceship after he died Ancient Astronaut Theory speaks of this depiction on Pakals sarcophagus lid as preparing for space flight He sits on a chair his foot on a pedal his hands manipulating the controls and his nose is a breathing apparatusEl señorío de Palenque durante la Era de K’inich Janaahb El señorío de Palenque durante la Era de K’inich Janaahb’ Pakal y K’inich Kan B’ahlam 615702 2011 disertación doctoral de Guillermo Bernal Romero un comentario preliminar del autor 2016 Esta tesis fue redactada entre 2006 y 2010 y
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